5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW, Washington, DC 20015
(202) 966-6682
BSS is a K-8 coed school with 515 students. There are 3 classes per grade in K-5, averaging 19 students per class, and 4 advisories per grade in 6-8, averaging 14 students per class. Aides assist the classroom teacher in grades K-2. The aides are full time in kindergarten and assist from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. in 1st and 2nd grade. The boy/girl ratio is 4/5.
BSS operates from 8:10 a.m. - 3:10 p.m. on full days and dismisses at 12:30 p.m. on half days. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:45 a.m.. Daily morning prayer begins at 8:10 a.m. in the gym for grades K-5. Grades 6-8 have prayer in advisory every morning. The first class begins at 8:25 a.m.. However, students arriving after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy.
BSS is accredited by AdvancED and is a National Blue Ribbon School.
Tuition rates are set by the Pastor, Principal, and School Board and are reviewed annually. For current tuition information, please click here.
While before-school care is not offered, there is after-school care until 6:00 pm. To learn more about our after care program, please click here.
Carpooling and walking are the general means of transportation to/from school as there is no bus/van service. Bicycles are allowed.
BSS welcomes children of all religious backgrounds as well as out of parish; however, siblings and parishioners receive priority in admittance to the school.
Yes, BSS students wear a uniform. For uniform guidelines, please refer to our school handbook .
Hot lunch is offered every day for an additional cost. A lunch menu is distributed monthly and varies each month. For more information on the lunch program, please click here.
There is a resource program in place for students with specified needs and there are enrichment programs in place at every grade level for advanced students, as well as a school counselor, school psychologist, and school nurse. Students are welcome to browse and check out books for our school library and do online research, type papers, and print reports from our computer lab.
BSS offers Art, Music, and Computer/Tech classes once a week for all the students. Physical Education classes are offered twice a week to students in grades K-5 and three times a week to students in 6-8. Spanish classes are offered to students in grades 1-8. Grades 1 & 2 have foreign language once a week, Grades 3 & 4 twice a week, 5th graders three times a week, and middle school has foreign language four times a week. Grades K-5 have Library class once a week. Grades 4 & 5 have Guidance once a week. Grades K-3 have Guidance once a month. Grades K-3 have Art Therapy twice a month.
BSS offers CYO sports, choir, band, scouting, and various other activities are announced as they become available throughout the school year.
BSS students in grades 2-8 take the online Scantron testing twice per school year in reading and math.
BSS sponsors CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) soccer, basketball, and track in grades 4- 8. CYO also offers sports clinics for lower grade students. Football is also available through community organizations.
BSS also offers a number of extracurricular programs throughout the school year. Click here for more information.
BSS offers band to grades 4th-8th. The band is grouped into beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Band groups meet Tuesdays for 30 minutes and advanced band meets again Tuesday afternoons from 3:15-4:15 p.m.
The school community begins each morning in prayer. The entire school attends Mass together twice per month. Religion classes are offered daily in grades K-5 and 4 days a week in grades 6-8. Students in grades 3-8 attend Reconciliation four times a year. BSS also participates in many service projects and community fundraisers throughout the year.
There are 7th and 8th grade Math, Language Arts, and Spanish Honors classes only.
Enrichment programs are in place at every grade level.