5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW, Washington, DC 20015
(202) 966-6682
The Blessed Sacrament Cafeteria, AKA Bulldog Cafe, is serving up hot lunch in the lunch room!
A monthly lunch menu is posted every week in the BSS Weekly newsletter. The menu shows the days on which lunch will be available and the entrée for each day. In addition to the entrée, lunches will be served with vegetables, fruit, and yogurt.
The Bulldog Cafe is NOT offering milk this school year so please be sure to send students with water.
At a minimum, lunch must be ordered on a weekly basis. Lunch may not be purchased for individual days.
Lunch orders for any given week must be submitted by the Tuesday before in order to facilitate planning and ordering of supplies.
Lunch orders may be submitted online below. Or you may download the lunch order form and and return it to the school office with a check made payable to Blessed Sacrament School. The lunch menu is available for download in the Weekly, from the website homepage QuickLinks, and from the menu bar on the right. Additional forms are always available in the school office.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the lunch program coordinator, Liz Finnegan, at lfinnegan@bsdc.org.