5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW, Washington, DC 20015
(202) 966-6682
Blessed Sacrament School opened its doors in 1923 to 90 children in grades one through six. Initially located in a house of the parish, the current school building was constructed in 1928, at a cost of $250,000. During the 1930's, with enrollment growing, the school added grades seven and eight.
By the late 1940's, Blessed Sacrament School's enrollment grew to 800 children in grades K-8, prompting the school's first expansion. The additional classrooms were completed in 1951. Throughout the 1950's, enrollment increased by an average of 4% per year and reached over 1,000 students in the early 1960's.
A second major expansion of the school was completed in 1965 and included construction of the current gymnasium, stage and religious center (the Roche Building). However, by the late 1960's parish demographics followed broader population trends and enrollment declined. By 1980, school enrollment reached 500 students, a number considered optimum for the facilities.
In 1993, another renovation was undertaken to bring the facilities into compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. Complete access for the disabled was provided through installation of an elevator, a new entrance, and rest room facilities.
In 1998, on the school's 75th anniversary, more than 1500 alumni and spouses attended the celebration, demonstrating the powerful influence the school has had upon its graduates and their families.
Begun as a parish school, Blessed Sacrament School continues to serve primarily students who live in the parish. Generally, 90% or more of the students attending the school belong to the parish. As space permits, the school offers enrollment to non-parishioners and to non-Catholics.