Central Catholic High School


Students are evaluated according to the guidelines established by the Archdiocese of Washington.

Kindergarten through 3rd grade students are assessed based on specific skills in academic areas as well as social development and work habits.

Grades 4-8 are assessed on an A-F grade scale based on the student's daily performance, homework assignments, unit tests, projects, and papers assigned.

   A- 92.5 - 100%
   B- 84.5 - 92.4%
   C- 76.5 - 84.4%
   D- 70 - 76.4%
   F- below 70%


Report cards are posted in PlusPortals quarterly for grades 1-8. Kindergarten report cards are posted January and June. In addition to the quarterly report cards, parents of students in grades 5 - 8 can also view test and assignment scores throughout each quarter via PlusPortals.

Currents parents can access PlusPortals by visiting www.plusportals.com/blessedsacramentdc and entering an email address and password.

*Report cards and transcripts are withheld if financial obligations have not been met. 

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